Monday, May 26, 2008

Brooklynator Doppleback

Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Serving: Imperial Pint
Style: Dopplebock
ABV: 7.5%

We decided to head to Sportstime on Saturday to watch a friend drink a boot of Spaten for his birthday. While waiting I treated myself to a couple pints. The first was this Dopplebock from the Brooklyn Brewery. The dark brown pint arrived resembling a large glass of soda. It had a nutty sweet aroma and very little head. The first sip reminds me of bland raisin bread which isn't really something I want to drink. There is not much complexity to the flavor in this one. It's overly sweet and doesn't really do much for me. This is the first time I've been let down by Brooklyn Brewery.

Rating: C

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