Monday, April 21, 2008

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Brewery: Pabst Brewing Company
Location: Texas
Serving: Draft/Pint
Style: American Macro Lager
ABV: 4.7%

A trip to Nashville wouldn't be complete without Pabst in some form. It seems more popular there than in any other city I've visited so far. You see billboards advertising it, you can find it in most gas stations, clubs, bars, and restaurants. It comes in all shapes and sizes: bottles, cans, tallboys, drafts. Nashville is a Pabst wonderland.

We stopped into the GoldRush bar Friday to hang out with some friends and the question of what to order presented itself as it always does. I made my way up to the bar with Ian when the gleam of a white tap handle caught my eye. A white tap with blue and red trim, it could only be Pabst on draft, a rare treat. We ordered two pints and settled down to enjoy. The pint glass had the awful Nashville Predator logo on it but I didn't let it ruin my experience. I admired the glorious pale gold of the liquid in my glass and inhaled the sweet smell of grain before heading in for a sip. My taste buds sang as the smooth, crisp lager hit my tongue. It was light and refreshing with hints of corn, a nice bitterness, and clean finish. This lager destroys the other American swill that the masses down everyday.

Rating: A

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