Friday, June 6, 2008

Dortmunder Gold

Brewery: Great Lakes Brewing Company
Location: Ohio
Serving: Bottle
Style: Dortmunder
ABV: 5.8%

I tend to pick out new beers to try based on their packaging. Shallow maybe, but I'll reach for attractive design 9 times out of 10. This is the reason I've never had any Great Lakes beers. The packaging just looks cheap to me. After reading nothing but positive things about the brewery I decided to put aside my bias and give them a shot. The Dortmunder poured a deep golden yellow that was crystal clear with a nice medium white head that stuck around for quite a while. It had a very sweet smell with a touch of citrus. The taste was malt malt malt. A nice sweet bread flavor with some hop bitterness made it smooth and balanced. Worked perfect to wash down my Chinese food. Overall a great beer, which I guess goes to show that looks aren't everything. I'm definitely going to check out some of their other offerings soon.

Rating: A

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