Friday, June 6, 2008


Brewery: Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Location: Missouri
Serving: Draft
Style: American Macro Lager
ABV: 5%

Ahh the dog days of summer. Nothing like 90 degree weather and a baseball game to put you in the mood for "the king of beers". I half-expected an American flag to pop out of my ass, but I digress. $1 beer night at the stadium led me to a beer I normally avoid like the plague. It's so easy to bash Bud that I'm not going to waste my time. My plastic cup presented me a thick white head that led to a clear yellow beer. It smelled of corn but it went down easy enough and did it's job. I'd much rather drink a Pabst or High Life if I'm going with this style but beggars can't be choosers.

Rating: C-

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