Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dos Perros

Brewery: Yazoo Brewing Company
Location: Nashville, TN
Serving: Draft/Pint
Style: Altbier
ABV: 3.5%

I enjoy trying out the local brews when I travel and on a recent trip to Nashville I got to do just that. We met up with our friends Ian and Sarah at a late night sushi bar called PM. I ordered a pint of the Dos Perros from the local Yazoo brewery. Our awkward server brought me a dark brown beer with no head. It has a nutty, roasted aroma with a bit of chocolate. The hops didn't come through at all. The taste is mostly chocolate and toasted malts with a hint of sweetness. It was not heavy and all and pleasantly crisp. The website says that it is brewed in the old style of Mexican beers which descended from Austrian occupation. I wish most of the current Mexican offerings would revert back.

Rating: B-

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