Monday, May 12, 2008

Lone Star Beer

Brewery: Pabst Brewing Company
Location: Texas
Serving: Pitcher / Pint
Style: American Macro
ABV: 4.72%

We decided to have dinner at a pub called, The Dog and Duck. It was a nice funky little place that I can definitely see hanging out at. They had a nice selection of drafts but we opted for the Texas experience with Lone Star Beer. Lauren and I split a pitcher which means she had a glass and I had the rest. The white head disappeared rapidly leaving a clear glass of that pale straw colour we've all come to love. After my first drink I immediately sprouted a handle bar mustache, cowboy hat, and developed a hankerin' for a side of beef. The taste was pretty standard macro fair but slightly above average. It was sweet and crisp, the kind of beer that quenches on a hot day, fairly bland but drinkable.

Rating: C-

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