Monday, July 28, 2008

Red's Rye

Brewery: Founders Brewing Company
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Serving: 12 oz Bottle
Style: Rye Beer
ABV: 6.4%

I picked up a six pack of this for our going away party. I wanted to start the day with some decent beer. Poured into a glass, it was dark orange with a medium white head. The head left some lace stuck all down the sides of the glass. Always a plus. This has one of the best aromas I've ever smelled in a beer. It was spicy with lots of fruit and herb from the hops. It starts off with a sweet malty flavor and then you get some of the citrus. The rye added a spiciness and it finishes with a bitter punch of the hops. The rye and the hops dominate but it's well balanced and very delicious.

Rating: A

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