Thursday, August 28, 2008


Brewery: Anheuser Busch
Location: Houston, TX
Serving: Draft/Pint
Style: American Bock?
ABV: ?

I saw a Texas shaped tap handle at the bar and then noticed on the wall a poster for this beer with the slogan, "Only Texans Get It!". I should have known better but I had to try it out. With my first sip I thought, man that really tastes just like Amberbock. Don't let the dark red colour fool you, it lacks taste and aroma. A completely generic beer. I later found out Ziegenbock is brewed by AB so it makes sense. I will avoid this from now on. I guess not being a "Texan" I just don't get it.

Rating: D

Live Oak Liberation

Brewery: Live Oak Brewery
Location: Austin, TX
Serving: Draft/Pint
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.0%

I had this on tap at the Spider House. It's a nice burnt orange colour. The smell was all citrus. It has a nice bitterness throughout with just a tad bit of sweetness to keep things in check. Refreshing and tasty.

Rating: B

Friday, August 8, 2008

Arrogant Bastard Ale

Brewery: Stone Brewing Company
Location: Calinfornia
Serving: 22oz Bomber
Style: American Strong Ale
ABV: 7.2%

Lauren works on Thursday nights so I had a bachelor's dinner. Bratwurst and beer. Man was it delicious. My sister gave me a bottle of Arrogant Bastard as a going away gift so I decided to pop it open. It was a nice dark rust colour with a small tan head. Lots of aromas going on here. There was a nice toasty malt smell paired with hops aromas and alcohol. The first thing I tasted was malt, nice and toasted. I love malty beer. A strong bitterness comes in a bit later to balance things out. It paired perfectly with the sausage. Success!

Rating: A

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beer 30 Light

Brewery: Melanie Brewing CO
Location: La Crosse, WI
Serving: cans
Style: Pale Lager
ABV: 3.8%

At first glance I thought it was a joke, Beer Brand Beer, but no this is real. At just over $3 for a 6 pack the O'Flynn took the bait and we tried this purple can of beer brand beer. At first, 2nd and so on drinks there was almost nothing to taste. The carbonation is stronger than the brew itself. It's not until those last 2 swigs where this beer earns its distinction. God awful. The temperature from you hands heats this brew very rapidly so it must be drank quickly or else....I'm glad I tried this brew but know it has not achieved a spot in my rotation.

Rating: C+